
What is Airocide?

Airocide is the next-generation air purification device developed from a NASA-funded technology. It is the world’s first air purification system which doesn’t use filters. It was designed in the 1990s to clean the air of spaceships and space stations used for long space expeditions.

Unlike traditional filtration technologies, Airocide eradicates all airborne organic contaminants instead of trapping them in a filter cartridge.

The device makes healthy and clean air free of virus and bacterium not only at home and in public places but also in healthcare, company and commercial environment.

It gives relief for allergy sufferers as well as it destroys airborne allergens and VOCs.


How does it eliminate them?

Traditional filters don’t remove all the pathogens from the air because the smallest particulates pass through even the finest threaded filter medias. This is why a revolutionary solution was needed which eliminates the pathogenic agents but is not based on filtration.

NASA’s proven space technology can eliminate small and large airborne organic particulates and pathogens.

Airocide kills all viruses and bacteria.

What are the 5 criterion of Airocide? 

  1. Revolutionary technology developed for NASA. 
  2. The first filter-free air purification system. 
  3. A chemical-free solution to kill all airborne organic contaminants. 
  4. An air purifier with official FDA approval which is effective against the spreading of coronavirus. 
  5. Units are available both for consumer and commercial use.

The Airocide air purifier is effective in eliminationg the following pathogens:

  • bacteria
  • viruses
  • cigarette smoke 
  • pollen
  • gases and odors
  • VOCs
  • biological contaminants like mold spores

5 beneficial properties which have convinced many

  1. Low energy consumption. 
  2. Small and compact size. 
  3. Quiet nigh operation. 
  4. Maintenance-free and filterless solution. 
  5. Looks great in any interior.
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Where is Airocide used the most often?

• Federal agencies and offices.
• Healthcare facilities, hospitals, doctor’s offices.
• Educational institutions.
• Restaurants, hotels.
• Wineries.
• Fitness and wellness centers.
• Shopping malls and
everywhere where lots of people gather in an enclosed space.

Which are the two lines of Airocide?

Consumer line

Stylish, aesthetic, easy to install version. Its technical parameters make it perfect for smaller offices, doctor’s offices or receptions up to 40 m2.

Commercial line

The high-capacity commercial products designed for professional use maintain a simple outline. This line is an ideal choice for facilities, wineries or fruit/vegetable packing units and cooling rooms.

Airocide Info

How does it work? 


NASA and Airocide

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