
Doctor’s Offices

Hygiene begins with clean air

Maintaining the hygiene of any medical office is a daily challenge especially if many people pass through them. Nowadays, enhanced sterilization is particularly important because of the spread of COVID-19. Special attention is required at places where human contact is unavoidable, and distancing is not an option.
The goal is to prevent the spread of the various pathogens primarily during examinations and medical procedures. Additionally, biohazards in waiting areas must be controlled.

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What are some best practices?


Surfaces must be sterilized especially in patient areas and the waiting area. Furniture and tables must be cleaned often. Regular sterilization, however, doesn’t provide the maximum protection against disease agents. Pathogens are aerosolized spreading as tiny droplets from coughing and sneezing. Droplets cover surfaces and linger in the air. Some studies say these airborne pathogens can stay in air for as long as 10 minutes. Deploying Airocide is essential.


Why is air purification necessary?


To protect workers

Healthcare workers must be protected from all kinds of diseases.

To protect patients

Using common rooms or staying in waiting rooms can be a hotbed for viruses and bacteria.

Air cleanliness

Fresh, clean air is vital both for the patients and the workers. To that end, the sterilization of objects and accessories is not enough but air needs to be cleaned as well.

Airocide design részlet

The Airocide home/consumer portfolio provides an ideal solution for cleaning the air in smaller doctor’s offices.

Commercial Airocide units are for larger areas or those with a heavy bioload.

Airocide üzemmódok

Which contaminants does Airocide protect from?



  • viruses

  • bacteria

  • allergens

  • dust mites

  • Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)

  • microbes

  • mold and fungi

Which places are recommended for Airocide to be used in?


Smaller Doctor’s Offices

Dental Offices

Waiting Rooms

Administrative Offices

Break Rooms

Airocide design részlet

Use NASA developed air purification technology!

Protect healthcare workers and patients.

Airocide APS-200 PM 2.5


Airocide APS-1000

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How does it work? 


NASA and Airocide

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